KA: S6 Revolution Rom for Samsung Galaxy Note 3


— About Rom —

  • Only works on the Snapdragon based Note 3 variants. It won’t work on any other variant.(e.g. N900H)
  • Based on: Android 5.1.1 S6 Edge firmware (G925TUVU1COE6) and DarkLord S6
  • Pre-Rooted
  • Busybox’d
  • Knox Free

— Bugs —

  • S-Voice FC
  • Google Play Store FC (See Notes)
  • Camera not working – Use another camera (E.g. Google Camera) until i fix the issue
  • Sparkling Bubbles Effect not working – 64 libs

— Videos —

How to Install the Rom – Thanks to @android.zealot.fervor

— Instructions —

  • Download the Rom
  • Enter Recovery Mode
  • Do a Full Wipe
  • Install The Rom
  • Reboot – The first boot can take up to 10 min
  • Enjoy

— Notes —

  • The People Edge Feature only works on the Left side (Go to settings/Edge Screen/Edge Screen Position and select Left
  • If Google Play FC after every app install, go to Settings/Applications/Google Play Store and Uninstall Updates
  • Before posting please use the Search option as the problem might have been already solved
  • Don’t report any bugs that are already mentioned in the bugs list

— Disclaimer —

  • * Your warranty is now void. *
  • * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
  • Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it!
  • YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.

— Supported Devices —
– N900D (SC01F, HLTEDCM)
– N9005 (HLTE)
– N900S, N900K, N900L (HLTESKT)
Galaxy J (JS01LTE)
– N900A (AT&T please download the Non-Aroma one)


  • Did you read the entire first post?
  • Keep in mind this hasn’t been tested on Note 3 (Only on S5 G900F – same tech specs )
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