Norma Rom S6 V15 English for Note 3 – Convert your Note 3 into Samsung S6 Edge


Trasforma il tuo Note 3 in un fantastico Samsung S6 Edge con la Rom

Norma Rom S6 V15 English

New Norma S6 v15 English Online

[Rom][5.0.2][S6 Port][Xposed][19.09.2015]Norma Rom S6 V15 English

-Based on S6 edge official rom G9250ZCU1AOD3 and Base rom from Darklord S6 v2.0 by @darkera13
-All s6 apps/features
-Works on N9005,N9006,N9008(v,s),N900p,japanese and korean version
-Stable and smooth

Norma S6 Update 15 Chinese Changelog:

repair calendar Map fc problem
fixes S aide locate where the problem
dropdown new by S Search and Quick Links switch
to add some shortcuts drop-down
side key panel set up new editing options
set new reading mode
setting new editing options Toolbox
Update 5.1.1 SMS support pages
(supports notification class information Quick Search function)
updated with the latest The S assistant
AROMA Compact 5×5 new starters
(no shadow is not supported desktop layout adjustment)

repair boot prompt to restart the starter fc
repair settings toolbox option prompts fc
repair set reading mode will prompt fc
repair side buttons The panel settings will prompt fc
fix possible problems contact editor
default 5×5 start official update
complement all Note5 icon
rounded recent mission
update Note5 wallpaper
delete my position widget
updated with the latest google service
to update some programs

Norma S6 update 15 English version changelog:

-Beta 36 CSC’s selectable in Aroma
-Potato clock translated
-Camera select in Aroma
-SystemUI select in Aroma
-SoundMod select in aroma
-TouchWiz select in aroma
-Flipboard translated
-Weather translated
-Samsung Keyboard translated with secondary symbols
-Browser translated
-Google account added in first configuration
-5Menu translated
-UPSM translated
-Framework set to Google GPS
-SystemUI translated
-Norma settings translated
-SVoice translated
-Samsung Cloud added
-Xposed separate ZIP(Pin lock password WORK without Xposed)
-Dialer ID fix
-Added Arter kernel N9005 in Aroma

***DOWNLOAD*** from GoogleDrive

***DOWNLOAD*** from AndroidFileHosts

***DOWNLOAD*** form Mega

***DOWNLOAD*** Xposed

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Per un download più sicuro e senza pubblicità fastidiose vi consigliamo di utilizzare il browser Puffin
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